What a short summary can't tell
We all have the same amount of time each day, 24 hours, and how it’s being used depends on the individual. The way these 24 hours are allocated throughout the day, determines whether the set goals will be achieved or there will be the feeling of having “no time” with the productivity also affected. Such a mindset allowed me to get involved with a variety of things I like.
Currently I am a Physics student at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and actively working on the refurbishment of the University’s Radio Telescope, a project that taught me a lot. While working on the radio telescope project, on January 2018 I had the chance to be selected as a member of the Aristotle Space and Aeronautics Team (ASAT), to work as a software developer at the On-Board Computer (OBC) subsystem on the CubeSat project, where we are designing, programming and building the nanosatellite’s main computer. As a physics student, I was also nominated to participate in the Erasmus+ exchange program during the winter semester of 2018, at the University of Lodz in Poland.
Helping others in any possible way, being part of a team, working as a team are among the things that define who I am, so during my college years I had the chance to join three volunteering teams, in two of which I am still an active member. The very first volunteering team I joined was ODAK/AUTH team, a team aimed to cover the first aid needs in events organized by the University. The second team I joined, and I am still an active member is the Hellenic Rescue Team (HRT), where my passion for mountain climbing revealed itself, as I am a member of the Mountain rescue department. Also, as a HAM radio operator, at HRT I had the chance to be part of the Telecommunications department. The third team I joined is the PATh team, aimed to helping students, promoting and organizing scientific events at the department of Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
While everything described so far is enough to fill up a day, in my spare time I am making various electronics and programming projects, designing websites and reading.

A More Extended Look
We all have the same amount of time each day, 24 hours, and how it’s being used depends on the individual. The way these 24 hours are allocated throughout the day, determines whether the set goals will be achieved or there will be the feeling of having “no time” with the productivity also affected. Such a mindset allowed me to get involved with a variety of things I like.
Currently I am a Physics student at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and actively working on the refurbishment of the University’s Radio Telescope, a project that taught me a lot. While working on the radio telescope project, on January 2018 I had the chance to be selected as a member of the Aristotle Space and Aeronautics Team (ASAT), to work as a software developer at the On-Board Computer (OBC) subsystem on the CubeSat project, where we are designing, programming and building the nanosatellite’s main computer. As a physics student, I was also nominated to participate in the Erasmus+ exchange program during the winter semester of 2018, at the University of Lodz in Poland.
Helping others in any possible way, being part of a team, working as a team are among the things that define who I am, so during my college years I had the chance to join three volunteering teams, in two of which I am still an active member. The very first volunteering team I joined was ODAK/AUTH team, a team aimed to cover the first aid needs in events organized by the University. The second team I joined, and I am still an active member is the Hellenic Rescue Team (HRT), where my passion for mountain climbing revealed itself, as I am a member of the Mountain rescue department. Also, as a HAM radio operator, at HRT I had the chance to be part of the Telecommunications department. The third team I joined is the PATh team, aimed to helping students, promoting and organizing scientific events at the department of Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
While everything described so far is enough to fill up a day, in my spare time I am making various electronics and programming projects, designing websites and reading.
This text will be updated to a more extended overview.